The Four Seasons at Enkouji Temple

About Enkouji Temple

Enkouji Temple is a Zen temple founded by the great lord Tokugawa Ieyasu. The temple is home to many cultural assets, including a garden renowned for its moss and autumn leaves, and temple treasures associated with famous cultural figures.

Seasonal Zen terms


Zuisho ni shu to naru

Zuisho ni shu to nareba, rissho mina shin-nari
(From the first half of Hekiganroku [Blue-Cliff Record])

Wherever you are, whatever happens, you have personal responsibility toward others for what you do or do not do. Believe in your inner self as you confront reality; there and then, only truth will remain standing. However unfortunate or painful the situation, do not shy away. The path of earnest perseverance is the right path, even if it is littered with doubts and obstacles.


13, Ichijojikotani-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-city, 606-8147, Japan

By bus: Get on No.5 bus. A seven-minute walk after getting off at Ichijojisagarimatsu Stop

By train: Take the Eizan Railway Eizan line. A seventeen-minute walk after getting off at Ichijouji Station.

A 25-car parking lot available.

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